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Lemme tell you one thing: I know nothing about coding. Yes, I have attended a few Python classes but I still understood nothing in the first few lectures. But what the problem was I had assignments to complete every week. SO, how did I survive?

  1. Youtube

Yessssss!!1 Youtube University helps a lot. You just need to access Youtube and type some keywords down to find some videos to watch. For me, I wrote “Programming C beginner” at first to have a broad view and understand “what is programming c”.

  1. Lectures’ Note from other universities

Keke, when Youtube is not enough anymore, we need this. Sometimes, I watched videos and tried to understand the concepts and functions but was still unable to do the assignments. This is when we need more in-depth materials, lectures’ notes. Try out searching “Programming <language> <Name of University>” to see if there is something cool there.

  1. Help sessions

Still don’t understand something? Attend the help sessions hosted by the professors or the teaching assistant and ASK QUESTIONS!!! Or else, you could also ask in the community group maybe?!

Okay, so am I an expert now? Certainly not but I’ll keep trying and learning. This works for me, and I hope this works for you too. And before I leave, self-study is always the key!

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